Hi Amy
Thanks for your kind words. Will make sure Steve reads the emails today. It sure is nice to be creating works for people that appreciate the extra effort.
Look forward to getting something together for you one day.
Kind regards
Deadringer Jewelry Limited
E. mark@deadringerjewelry.com
W. www.deadringerjewelry.com
-----Original Message-----
from: automailer@deadringer.co.nz [mailto:automailer@deadringer.co.nz]
Sent: Wednesday, 9 February 2011 2:19 a.m.
To: mark@jewelersinc.net
Surfing the internet as one does when bored at work, I came across your website, i never ever take time to comment on anything but WOW is all I can say what an incredibly talented person you are and if I had the money to spare i would buy one of your rings in a heartbeat! they are stunning and real works of art. what a pleasure to see someone who has managed to break away from the mould and make and do something so passionate to them. an inspiration.
United Kingdom LONDON